Empathetic Strategy Shift: Enhancing Serial Factory-Produced Housing for Refugees and Displaced Populations
In response to the conflict in Ukraine, I was brought on board to contribute to the development of a new product: a fast and cost-effective serial housing solution to re-home those who had been displaced.
Residential Buildings as Products: When a Splash of Paint can Change Lives
Unlock the potential of simple solutions! Discover how integrating colours into your product strategy can revolutionise accessibility in residential buildings, transforming lives effortlessly.
Why Businesses Fail to Serve 10% (or more) of their Users
In the fast-paced world of product development, where efficiency and market appeal often take precedence, we find ourselves unintentionally sidelining a substantial portion of our audience in need of ‘accessible’ design.
Designing for All: Revolutionising Accessibility in Residential Construction
How groundbreaking product strategy in residential construction revolutionised accessibility standards, fostering inclusivity for all. Through strategic planning and advocacy, we developed the company's Accessibility Principles, guiding every aspect of product development toward a more inclusive built environment.