Residential Buildings as Products: When a Splash of Paint can Change Lives

In today's rapidly evolving world, prioritising accessibility in building environments is not only a moral imperative but also a practical and cost-effective strategy. Consider Alzheimer's disease, affecting millions globally, including a surprising number of young individuals. By integrating simple design elements, such as distinctive colour-coded entryways and keys in multi-building developments or quartier, companies can significantly enhance the user experience without incurring substantial costs.

Alzheimer's disease, with approximately 7.8 million cases in Europe alone in 2020 and planned to double by 2050, underscores the urgent need for inclusive design solutions (source: Alzheimer Europe website). When planning extensive residential developments, ensuring accessibility should be a fundamental aspect of the product strategy.

Photography: David Hofmann

One such simple yet impactful solution involves employing distinct colour schemes for the paint of each building's entry hallway and providing corresponding colour-coded keys to residents. For instance, residents living in the buildings with the blue entry hall are issued blue keys, while those in the building with red entry hall receive red keys. This straightforward and cost effective approach not only assists individuals with cognitive impairments, including Alzheimer's patients, but also enhances the overall user experience for all residents.

By incorporating these accessibility features into the initial design phase, companies can streamline operations, minimise retrofitting costs, and foster a more inclusive and welcoming community. In essence, prioritising accessibility in the product strategy is not just a matter of social responsibility; it's a sound business decision.

These small but meaningful design interventions create environments that cater to the diverse needs of residents while enhancing brand reputation and driving long-term product success.


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